Benefici dell'estratto supercritico di semi di cumino nero:
-Proprietà antinfiammatorie: Contiene composti attivi come il timochinone e riduce potenzialmente l'infiammazione.
-Attività antiossidante: Ricco di antiossidanti, neutralizza i radicali liberi con potenziali effetti anti-invecchiamento.
-Supporto al sistema immunitario: Modula il sistema immunitario per aiutare a difendersi dalle infezioni.
Spécifiquement formulé à base de Mélatonine et de 4 plantes (Mélisse, Houblon, Passiflore et Valériane) pour contribuer à réduire l'anxiété, à favoriser la relaxation et à améliorer la qualité du sommeil.
Disponible en 60 ou 120 gélules.
Formule disponible en marque blanche. Personnalisez ce produit à votre marque.
Prepare to explode your energy with Pro Booster Bubble Gum! This pack contains 20 pouches of X-Booster bubble gum flavour with 80 mg of caffeine to give you a dose of boost and a unique taste pleasure. It's the perfect energy boost for a busy day, workout or work. With this pack you will have your favourite energy always at hand. Discover a taste adventure and add colour to your routine with Pro Booster Bubble Gum!
Coenzyme Q10 is an important component of our daily diet. Extra Q10 intake is particularly recommended for older age groups and/or if your diet is unbalanced. In addition are contained the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E to protect the body against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the normal function of the immune system. This combination is completed with eight valuable B-vitamins. Niacin, pantothenic acid and thiamine (vitamin B1) contribute to a normal energy metabolism. Thiamine also supports a healthy, normal heart function.
Each capsule contains 50 mg natural coenzyme Q10 plus 27 I.E. vitamin E, 55 µg selenium, 45 mg magnesium, 24 mg niacin, 9 mg panthothenic acid, 2.1 mg vitamin B6, 2.1 mg vitamin B2, 1.65 mg vitamin B1, 300 µg folic acid, 75 µg biotin and 3.75 µg vitamin B12.
Art. No.:1809
Ginger: contributes to the normal functioning of the stomach and provides digestive wellbeing.
Magnesium: helps reduce tiredness and fatigue and contributes to electrolyte balance.
Vitamin B6: contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism. Contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells.
Fennel: supports the health of the digestive tract.
Quickly binding building gypsum for direct application. It is used for filling holes, mounting electrical installations, skimming rough coatings, or other proper substrates with normal bearing capacity.
• Fixing of electrical cables
• Suitable for complete skim coating
• Suitable for bonding gypsum ornaments
• Compatibility with all types of masonry and concrete works
• Excellent adhesion
• High resistance
• Fast gathering of strength
• Easy and effective work
Mixing Ratio Coverage Consumption Bags per pallet Pallet weight
5 kg 1/0.55 ~ 5 m2/ 5 kg 1 kg / m2 / 1 mm 120 pcs 600 kg
25 kg 1/0.55 ~ 25 m2/ 25 kg 1 kg / m2 / 1 mm 40 pcs 1000 kg
Sizes (kg):5 / 25
Türkiye’nin en çok tüketilen, içerisinde hiçbir kimyasal ve koruyu madde bulundurmayan bitkisel zayıflama ürünü 7 Zeytin 1 İncir’i 3 yaşın üzeri herkes kullanabilir.
Dünya üzerindeki herkesin içebileceği ve her evde bulunması gereken Elsum Premium by 7 Zeytin 1 İncir’in içeriğinde sadece doğal bitki özleri bulunmaktadır ve birçok sağlık probleminize çözüm bulabilirsiniz.
İçeriğinin doğallığı, sağlık açısından yararları ve kullanıcı memnuniyeti ile 2021 yılı uluslararası marka liderleri ödülüne layık görülmenin haklı gururunu değerli kullanıcılarımız ve takipçilerimiz ile paylaşmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz.
1- Réduction du temps d’endormissement
2- Atténuation de l’action du décalage horaire
3- Sommeil de qualité
Un sommeil de qualité est indispensable à la santé, à la bonne activité cérébrale et aux diverses fonctions métaboliques. Inversement, les troubles du sommeil, qui deviennent parfois chroniques, ont des répercussions sur l’attention, la mémoire, l’humeur, l’immunité et la relaxation. Le quart de la population française et la moitié des seniors en souffrent.
CapSommeil® contient de la mélatonine, de la valériane et de la méliss pour agir tout au long des différentes phases du cycle du sommeil.
Pour qui ?
CapSommeil® s'adresse à toutes les personnes ayant des difficultés d’endormissement ou un sommeil perturbé, à la recherche d'une relaxation optimale mentale et physique.
Pour l’amélioration des activités de reproduction et de fertilité chez la femme.
Telostim est un complément alimentaire à base de plantes et nutriments. À consommer avec une alimentation variée et équilibrée associée à un mode de vie sain. Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants
Conseil d’utilisation :
2 gélules par jour le matin, pendant au moins 2 mois.
200 mg
70 mg
100 mg
30 mg
9.3 mg
0,55 mg
10 mg
Ingrédients pour 1 gélule :
SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine)
Angelica sinensis 4/1 EXS
Astragale 20% EXS
Framboisier 4/1 EXS
Vit.E-Nat 700 UI (45%)
Vit.D3 (100.000 U.I/ g)
Gélule végétale HPMC
LEOVIT DETOX Tomato and celery smoothie with collagen is a unique healthy food product. It contains tomato, celery, beets, apples, inulin, pectin, basil, detox spices and chia seeds, linseeds, collagen for beauty. Detoxification of the body is a vital procedure. Specialized preventive nutrition for body detoxification contains components that affect all stages of the metabolism of toxins, promote binding and their speedy elimination from the cell, and then from the body (ensuring the process of neutralization and elimination of toxins). Numerous clinical studies of LEOVIT DETOX products have shown the possibility of their daily constant use with a stable positive effect. The amount of food consumed between courses of the nutrition program depends on the level of contamination of the body with exo- or endotoxins. Proper nutrition for a reasonable price! Our smoothie is allowed in fasting!
Wir stellen Ihnen Baby Bio OPTIMA 1 vor – das nährende Elixier für Ihr kostbares kleines Bündel Freude!
Erfreuen Sie sich an der Magie der Elternschaft mit Baby Bio OPTIMA 1, der ultimativen Formel, die mit Liebe und Sorgfalt hergestellt wurde, um Ihrem Baby eine wunderbare Reise in Richtung Wachstum und Entwicklung zu ermöglichen. Dieses außergewöhnliche Elixier wurde speziell für Säuglinge von der Geburt bis zum 6. Monat entwickelt und ist der Inbegriff für hervorragende Pflege.
Anise seeds - a spice brought to Europe in the early Middle Ages and quickly gained popularity in cooking. Priests and healers of ancient civilizations appreciated the seeds of anise - the healing properties of which were sometimes called miracles. In cooking, all parts of anise are used in all possible forms. Anise seeds are added to marinades to give them a bright flavor. If you mix them with bay leaf and cinnamon, you get an excellent home seasoning for cold meat dishes.
Proteins (g / 100g):18,0
Fats (g / 100g):16,0
Carbohydrates (g / 100g):35,0
Energy value (kcal / 100g):360,0
Complex of 3 standardized types of curcuminoids with improved formulation of vitamin D3, B6, B12 and mineral selenium.
1 capsule contains 427 mg of curcuminoids, which is equivalent up to 8.500 mg of native curcuminoids with 20 times increased bioavailability.
Improved formula of high-quality food supplement Curcumin C3 Complex Premium enriched with vitamins D3, B6, B12 and the mineral selenium, which contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
Curcumin C3 Complex® is a patented and clinically tested “bioprotectant” composed of 3 main compounds: Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin (DMC) and Bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC) – commonly known as curcuminoids.
VULFI's Pulver ImmunPLUS macht müde Pfötchen munter. Echinacea ist eine der bekanntesten Heilpflanzen zur Stärkung des Immunsystems. Pfefferminze wirkt entzündungshemmend und antiviral.
MultiKomplexFormel: ausgewählte Kräuter
zur Unterstützung des Immunsystems
mit Echinacea, Ginseng & Enzian
alle Zutaten in BIO-Qualität
200 Gramm Inhalt
En cosmétique, on retrouve les extraits d’épinette noire dans des produits utilisés pour les peaux à problèmes et peaux irritées. Aromathérapie Principaux composants : Bornyl acétate (12,00 à 35,00%), Camphène (10,00 à 25,00%), Alpha pinene (12,00 à 22,00%), Delta 3 carène (<= 15,00%)
We can offer cherry stems, cherry stalks as a raw material for herbal tea produc - Cherry stems, cherry stalks can be packed in cardboard boxes, PP bags or pressed bales.
chape adhérente : qui repose directement sur le support
chape non adhérente : désolidarisée du support par l’appoint d’une membrane plastique
chape flottante : qui repose sur une isolation thermique ou acoustique
chape pour sol chauffant : qui repose ou enrobe une tuyauterie
Remarque : Le temps de séchage normal pour une chape est estimé à 1 semaine par cm (en fonction des conditions climatiques).
Chape à séchage rapide et/ou à haute résistance (épaisseur minimale de 2 cm) :
Elle a pour but d’améliorer le délai de mise en service du bâtiment
séchage dans les 14 jours
séchage dans les 7 jours
séchage dans les 24 heures
Chape sèche
La chape sèche est utilisée principalement dans les habitations passives (meilleure isolation acoustique des planchers en bois) et dans la rénovation (faible épaisseur et léger).
Idéal pour la rénovation : il s’agit de plaques de fibres-gypse ou à base de ciment (locaux humides). La chape sèche combine une excellente isolation acoustique et thermique
Dietary supplement. Extraordinary formula based on fish oil (DHA and EPA), hemp and poppy extract. Made to improve cognitive functions.
Presented in hard pearls.
EDAGUM®SМ Feed additive is destined for increase the efficiency and safety of agricultural animals, including poultry, strengthening of their immunity and metabolism.
Ingredients humic and fulvic acids > 20 g/l, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc.
Not explosive and flameproof
Ingredients:humic and fulvic acids > 20 g/l, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc
Substance hazard category:4 (low-hazardous substance)
Storage period:5 years
Technical specifications:9283-002-52420467-2009
State registration number:PVR-2-11.8/02328
Packaged in:0.25; 0.5; 1; 5; 10; 20; 100; 200; and 1000 liter bottles
Sound, healthy, well developed, well cleaned, practically free from husk, pale silk and free from any organic and non organic foreign material.
Both ends are cutted, size of the cobs as required: 25 mm, 35 mm, 65 mm, 140 mm.
More power for heart, brain, eyes and muscles. The antioxidant nutrition is available to all cells and is especial important for energy supply. As the age increases, the Q10 presence in the body begins to reduce, which leads to a number of age-specific complaints and illnesses. Q10 is the real safety formula against heart circulatory disorders. It improves the heart's performance, increases oxygen intake, protects from free radicals and enhances efficiency. Folic acid and B-vitamins reduce the homocystein level and improve energy levels.
Supports/Is good for Blood pressure
Blood vessels
Energy flow
mental fitness
Skin and gums
Eye protection
Area of use Cardiovascular system, vascular system, performance and energy, eyes.
Recommended dose Take 1 to 2 capsules every day with fluids.
• Antiviral, Antibakteriyel,
• Antifungal ve yüksek antioksidant etkisiyle,
• Vücut direncini artırmaya,
• Yaşlanmayı geciktirmeye,
• Hormonları dengelemeye yardımcı olduğu gibi içerisinde bulunan çinko,
magnezyum ve kalsiyum mineralleri ile mineral eksikliğini gidermeye
As climbing material for vegetables we have developed new twines made out of pure paper and viscose. The twines are available with1,7 mm Ø and a tensile strength of 45 kgs and a diameter of 1,6 mm and a tensile strength of 20 kgs and can be used for e.a. in tomato-, pepper- and cucumber cultures. This product is protected from the European Patent Law. The patent no. is EP 18 42 944.
- the white colour reflects the light which the vegetables need for growing
- comfortable in handling
- bio-degradable, environmentally friendly
- can be shared with a shredder
- valuable compost, together with the vegetables
- combusts residue-free
- no costs for disposal after harvest
- harmless for human and wildlife
GarnTec Tendril twines are made from 100 % natural materials that do not contain plastics, PVC or other materials that are non bio-degradable. As a result our twines decompose completely. The yarns can be ordered in continious length on spools or wound on wire hooks.
Bienfaits de l'extrait supercritique de graines de cumin noir :
Propriétés anti-inflammatoires : Contient des composés actifs tels que la thymoquinone, réduisant potentiellement l'inflammation.
Activité antioxydante : Riche en antioxydants, neutralisant les radicaux libres pour des effets potentiellement anti-âge.
Soutien du système immunitaire : Module le système immunitaire pour aider à la défense contre les infections.
Santé respiratoire : Peut avoir des effets positifs sur les affections respiratoires telles que l'asthme.
Santé cardiovasculaire : Des bénéfices potentiels comprennent une pression artérielle plus basse et une amélioration de la santé cardiaque.
Propriétés antibactériennes et antifongiques : Montre une efficacité contre les infections bactériennes et fongiques.
Gestion du poids : Potentiel pour réguler le métabolisme et soutenir la perte de poids.
Gestion du diabète : Des études préliminaires suggèrent des effets positifs sur les taux de sucre dans le sang.